English for 50+ (B1+)
English in the morning: In this course you'll learn English at the B1 level and above in a fun and easy-going atmosphere. We work at our own pace, taking time to get to know one another through conversation, reading, writing and grammar.
The language of instruction is English.
6-9 people
Kursnr.: 242-4214
Beginn: Do., 05.09.2024, 09:30 - 11:00 Uhr
Dauer: 5 Treffen
Kursort: Lauterbach, vhs, Obergasse 44, Raum 18
Gebühr: 30,50 € (E)
Lehrbuch: Great! B1 (2nd edition), ab Lektion 8
Obergasse 44
36341 Lauterbach